Tuesday, November 11, 2008

PRAGMA Workshop on e-Science Highlights

E-Science, the science, research and development conducted using advanced, geographically distributed laboratory equipment, computers, databases, connected by networking and linked by software, and Grid and ICT technology, is being applied to and driven by many applications in areas including biology, earth observing and geosciences, nanoscience, and engineering.

PRAGMA is a collaborative organization consisting of more than 30 member institutions from the Pacific Rim Region that focus on developing grid technology by running applications on our shared infrastructure. It has focused its activities in several working groups including biosciences, tele-science, geo, education and grid computing. Recently, PRAGMA institutes have started collaboration with grid efforts in Switzerland.

This e-Science conference will be the venue for presenting and discussing research outcomes and collaboration experience which PRAGMA has conducted for the past several years. Presentations will 6~7 papers include 1~2 invited representative researchers, and grid operation among institutions, development results for grid technology, bio technology based on grid, tele-Science, engineering research and collaboration (e.g., exchange student programs and co-research). The conference will be the first event for the collaboration of both the IEEE e-Science conference and PRAGMA community, and is expected to be a stepping stone for mutual development through continuous collaboration.

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